Behno is a high fashion, luxury handbag brand that combines quality, functionality, and exquisite design with ethical thinking & manufacturing.
Their bags are handmade in India using the finest Italian leather and highest quality hardware. They offer a variety of stylish bags in many colors & styles that will compliment any outfit, including top handle bags, crossbody bags, mini bags, clutches, totes, shoulder bags, wallets, and more.
Behno is on a mission to redefine sustainability & ethics in fashion. By pioneering a new standard for manufacturing in the global garment trade, they are revolutionizing the way garment workers & artisans are viewed, employed, and treated.
They not only lead by example at their own factory, they also partner with other international factories that adhere to rigid compliances and strive to improve factory conditions in developing countries by implementing “The Behno Standard”.
Behno is also committed to limiting waste in their manufacturing process, upcycling, sourcing sustainable leathers, and using state of the art machinery to minimize their carbon footprint.
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The Behno Standard is a set of six guiding principles that they implement in their factories:
• Family Planning: At MSA Ethos, they work to provide access to family planning education and services through their on-site hospital.
• Health: Garment and factory workers have access to healthcare clinics, sanitized water and additional nutritional support.
• Garment Worker Social Mobility: No child labor, fair wages and transparent contracts.
• Women’s Rights: Ensuring equal remuneration for women as their male counterparts in similar positions.
• Worker Benefits: Provision of transportation and subsidies, and a safe space to relax and socialize.
• Eco-Consciousness: Limiting waste and upcycling, sourcing sustainable leathers and using state of the art machinery to minimize carbon footprint.