Since 1985, Museum Replicas Limited has been creating well-researched, battle-worthy replicas of medieval swords and historical armor that match the authentic quality of museum artifacts.
As the popularity of their replicas grew, so did their product line! Today, they offer an extensive line of products, including historical clothing and accessories for men and women, jewelry, home décor & gifts, and tons of unique collectibles that are inspired from history and popular arts.
Themes include Renaissance, Medieval, Crusades, Viking, Greek & Roman Times, Scottish & Celtic, Far East, Pirate, American Civil War, Steampunk, Fantasy, and Live Action Role Play.
Fun Fact: Museum Replicas Limited has been the official licensee for multiple props, costumes and armor reproductions from Hollywood films and TV shows, including Black Panther, Jungle Cruise, Game of Thrones, Pirates of the Caribbean, and many more!
Get 10% off Sitewide at Museum Replicas Limited using coupon MBB10. Shipping is Free on orders over $100. All orders come with 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee.