Thrive Market
Thrive Market is an online shopping club offering wholesome, organic foods and personal care products at 25-50% below retail prices. Basically, if Costco and Whole Foods had a baby, it would be Thrive Market.
Similar to Costco, members pay $9.95/month to shop there OR just $5/month if you opt for the annual plan. The annual plan also gives you $20 off your first order of $49 or more. Try it and get a full refund if you cancel within 30 days. Shipping is Free on your first order of $25 or more and Free on future orders of $49 or more.
Thrive Market guarantees your membership will pay for itself in savings. If you don’t make your membership fee back in savings by the end of the year, they’ll automatically give you the difference in Thrive Market credit after you renew. For example, if your membership fee was $60, and you only saved $40 in the year, they will automatically add a $20 Thrive credit to your account after you renew. I wish Costco did that!